My work as a community engaged artist came to a halt with the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This was very hard, not just because I had to stop my work, but mostly because through my work I knew about the profound impact art -and more specifically community art- has on isolated individuals and on communities at risk.

So I figured out a way! I decided to send art kits to individuals and families for them to create artworks that I then put together to create a digital community creation. In this way, during the Pandemic I was able to create six community murals that are now installed in various locations in Ottawa.

To me, this proof that we can do much more than what we think, that together we can accomplish big things, that we can acknowledge each other and embrace our differences through art is important, very important.

Butterflies! The first of my series of "together apART" murals created during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 in collaboration with OCH and MASC.

At the start of the Pandemic, thirty-two families received an art kit (canvas, brushes and paint) and instructions to create their own art piece. By putting their creations together using digital tools, I created this mural for the community under the very challenging conditions.  Finding ways to innovate and reinvent my creative process to keep painting murals with the community, and more importantly to bring creative opportunities to families/individuals in risk or isolated as well as to schools during such a difficult time was a source of great joy for me. Butterflies can be seen along with "The Future awaits" at the corner of Wiggins Private and Chapel Crescent in Sandy Hill, Ottawa.


Sandy Hill Ottawa


Sandy Hill Ottawa

"The Future Awaits" is the view of the past, the present and the future for fourteen kids. As well, an intrepid butterfly that leads us towards the future with determination and grace, reflects my feelings about hope, endurance, beauty and freedom.  This mural was exhibited at the Ottawa Art Gallery during the 2021 summer and now embellishes the streets of Sandy Hill in Ottawa at the corner of Wiggins Private and Chapel Crescent along with "Butterflies". Created as a MASC artist.

"Where do we find the inspiration and the strength to grow? It is in our core; it comes from within." This was the powerful conversation I had with 1300 students at Half Moon Bay Public School to create this mural on aluminium. All students at Half Moon Bay Public School created an image inspired by the concept of “growing”. Their drawings became the background for this multi-panel mural that symbolizes the flow of life, the growth of our neighbourhood, and the power of an inclusive and supportive community.

Inspired by our personal growth and dreams as individuals, this mural depicts our hands as our tools for creativity. A spiral growing from the centre of our palm is a symbol of our compromise and dreams while becoming the accomplished and kind human beings we want to be. By growing as individuals, we also grow as a community. it is located at 3525 River Run Ave in Ottawa. Created as a MASC artist.


Half Moon Bay Public School, Barrhaven

I was the artist in residency for The 2022 Listen Up Program lead by The Gryphon Trio. Inspired by the theme "our dreams and memories" I guided 60 students through the creation of these colourful works of art that I later incorporated into a three-piece aluminum mural. These amazing works of art and The Gryphon Trio's beautiful music, turned the Centennial Public School into a concert hall-art gallery! Created as a MASC artist.

dreams & memories

Centennial Public School, Ottawa

In this art project, each mandala tells a personal story about the student that created it. By putting them together I created a two-piece mural in which I also tell my story. If these images could talk, we would be listening to 73 stories and dreams at the same time! Working online I facilitated the creation of 280 mandalas with students from G1 to 8 grade. Of these, 72 were chosen randomly for the creation of this digital-art aluminium mural now at the Hawthorne Public School in Ottawa.

The mural reflects conversations about the cosmos, about growing as individuals and community, about the beauty of our differences and about what it means to be an artist. Created as a MASC artist.


Hawthorne Public School, Ottawa